Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Planning the Next Trip

 I now have firm plans and commitments for my Boston trip, September 17-Ocober 1.  I tell you something I really miss from the old days - travel agents!  I am supposed to do all of my planning at the computer.   The planning takes far longer than the trip itself.

I will take Amtrak to Boston.   Amtrak's "Julie" says the way to get to Boston is to take a bus to Longview, take the Texas Eagle to Chicago, and then take another train to Boston.   Sounds like how Southwest wants to route me home!   I found a better way.    Amtrak's Sunset Limited (Coach, it's cheaper) to New Orleans, overnight in a hotel on St Charles, take the Crescent to New York, stay a few days in Newark and then take the Acela to Boston.   Trying to book this on line, with a credit from my last voyage, and a few other variables was very frustrating.    I finally jumped in my Kia and drove downtown to the Amtrak station, where a very pleasant human being helped me with my tickets in short order.   Very satisfying.

Here is where i need your feedback.   I am doing this set of blogs from my phone and iPad, as the laptop takes up weight and space in my baggage.  Please comment, below as to whether you can view the video and any images.   

The little AMTRAK n scale train is a faithful model of the Sunset Limited.  The second car behind the engines is the sleeper.  I had a lower berth there to Los Angeles last month.   The last car in the consist is the coach, with airline-like seating.  I will ride it to New Orleans on September 17.

My credit cards have paid for trains to Boston, My hotels are booked thru Friday, September 27.   My Southwest flight from Hartford to Houston is also booked.   My hope is to pay off the credit cards now and by the end of my trip.  Just about done.

I was channel surfing during the Olympics and came across an episode of NOVA, on PBS.    They were talking about the longest wooden covered bridge in America, located in New York, not far from Albany, and also not far from Cooperstown, so now I will add a couple of bridges and some baseball to my final weekend.   I also hope to look at the Eastern terminus of the Erie Canal.

I am dictating this paragraph. This is a whole lot easier than typing on the iPad! Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks!

Here is a shot of my layout.   The two modules were built in the 80s     I recently brought them out.  They and the other trackwork occupy a 9 x 5 area of my living room

Please comment below.   I think this works



  1. Nice Layout! I was able to view the video and the photo.

  2. Hello, Big Brother - yes it worked! Your dictation and your video. You’re not such a Luddite after all. We just got back from a bike ride on the Iron Ore Heritage Trail, the Rails To Trail I took you on last year when you visited here in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Have fun on your Boston jaunt! - love from your little sis, Kristen

  3. Looks good! I remember the train layout--the Bavarian Texas line or something like that.

  4. I could see it. Nice train set. - Allie

  5. I could see both. Pretty cool.

  6. That last “anonymous“ was me.

  7. You are off to a good start! - Chuck
