Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Amtrak Part 2

 I am jumping around, as I think of something, and also as I can wrest pictures out of my phone and computer.

Efron was our porter on the Sunset Limited.   As such, he catered to my whims and converted my little roomette from two-seated compartment, to a closet with bed.

Esther says with that shirt, I look like a tourist.    I am a tourist!  But I finally downloaded something from my phone.   This is me outside my car.

Crossing the Rio Grande just outside El Paso.    Also note this recent ugly structure!

The Sunset Limited arrived early to LA.  Rather than schlep my luggage to the hotel and then walk back to the station, I went to baggage claim to ask about leaving pieces with them.   I discovered that as a first class passenger (I had a closet for a room!) I could go down the hall to the First Class Lounge, have complimentary coffee, a snack, type some, and leave my stuff with them.   So, I did,

Took Amtrak to Simi Valley.   Used my Uber App for the first time!   It worked.   Took Uber to the Ronald Reagan Library, on a hilltop in the western Simi Valley.   Interestingly, my driver had no idea what the Reagan Library was, nor where it was!    But she followed her GPS.

Probably the most remarkable thing about the Reagan, is the view!   Southern California has these things called "Hills" and they are everywhere!    There is one across the way with orchards, and you can just enjoy seeing so much from the library.

Once Reagan became a well-known movie star, he became quite a spokesman for General Electric, hosting it's TV show for years, and touring the country, visiting GE plants everywhere,   He got great insights from the workers and incredible exposure.   This part of the tour was very interesting.

At the other end of the Library is Air Force One!    The Boing 707 is inside the building!    This magnificent bird seems to float in the middle of the hanger.   We tourists came in at the third level, so were were on level with the wing and fuselage.    Only by walking around to the other side does the elevator and ramp to the plane became visible.   The entire front of the hanger is glass, showing that wonderful view of the hills.  Reagan used this plane more than the other presidents.

I took a wrong turn and found myself outside, unable to get back in.   I walked back around to the entrance and presented myself to the nice security man (Coach) who had checked my backpack upon my entrance.    He walked me back around to a side door and let me back into the exhibits.   Good thing, as the second half of the tour was the best.

Lots of info about Reagan vs Communism.   Somewhat propaganda, but he was a driving force in the 80s.   Reagan and Gorbachev clicked like no other US/USSR leaders before or since.   Lots of the Berlin Wall. 

The current temporary exhibit is "Star Wars".   The children were getting their pictures taken holding light sabers in the Millennium Falcon.   Lots of culture on this epic movie, but then they tied it to Reagan and his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) which has always been called Star Wars.   Cool!

I think I actually came for the gift shop.   I made it my habit to try to limit myself to a coffee mug and fridge magnet.   Good personal policy, as the Presidential Christmas ornaments are only getting more and more expensive!    I also looked at a Star Wars Advent Calendar since Susie and I have often sent our son Advent calendars, but I didn't think it was $40.00 worth of cute!

Metrolink back to Union Station where no fewer than two Amtrak ladies fussed at me about my plan to walk to the hotel with three bags.   Everyone has a mother, I seem to have hundred!   I caved in and took Uber a whole half mile up the street!

I almost joined up with a Japanese tour group at the hotel, but they were not impressed with my wit, so I went my own way.

Just up the way from the hotel is the Angel Flight Railway.   This is an old funicular that climbs up the hill.   Very touristy, and also a piece of railroad trivia.  It claims to be the shortest incorporated railroad in the world, at about 350 feet! $1.00 each way!  This area has much culture, including art museums and the Walt Disney Center.    They are building a food court of chains, but the interesting one is the food court of local dives that looks like something out of the third world!

I keep getting confused by the time zones.   My body is still on Central Time, but my schedule and my iPhone are on Pacific Time.   My laptop, however, is still in Houston (time-wise) and it startles me when I think I may be late to my next train.

OK, I think I have made friends with moving images from phone to email to blogspot.   I'm sure there is a better way, but this way works!

I am on my way to the Nixon Library.   I have my Amtrak tickets, and know to get off at Fullerton, and take bus 26 to Yorba Linda.    Should be quite a bit cheaper than Uber!  

By the way, blogging is supposed to be social media, so be sociable!   Leave comments below.   At least let me know this thing is being read.


  1. I’m glad you didn’t try to shlep three bags a half mile. You were smart to listen to the mothers.

  2. Dan, that funicular railway was featured in an episode or two of Bosch, the detective series on Amazon Prime set in LA.

    Stan Joynton
