I may have a new bike buddy. Not trying to replace Don, my Saturday bike buddy, but as a fully retired guy, I find I have room in my schedule to ride several times a week.
Jerry is new to the Brays Bayou area, but has lots of cycling experience. He told me he wanted a 10 mile ride, no more than 8-9 miles an hour. Great. I'm there. We ended up with 12 miles, but we enjoyed the ride. I enjoy the company, and Jerry liked having someone who knows the route. I also find, for good, or bad, that when I ride with someone, my rest breaks are not as long as when I ride alone.
One of the things we talked about was the possibility of putting together routes that can be shared with others, especially those new to cycling, or new to an area. He was also interested in how easy it is to use a B Cycle. I guess I need to learn a few more features of my Under Armour bike App. It says I can share my maps, but I have been hesitant to share.
Those who like to bike on Keegans Bayou Trail should be aware that the flood control people are reworking Keegans Bayou, probably for the next little while, between Southwest Fwy and Dairy Ashford. There is a lot of dirt piling up just off of Dairy Ashford, and the trail itself, between the freeway, and Kirkwood will also be affected.